About our company

We are Latvian based company that specializes in timber product trade and export, forest operations and biomass wood chip production. Collaborating with a variety of customers and providing them with Latvian roundwood regarding their technical specification preferences.

Our Services
We work hard every day to distribute timber safely and responsibly around the world using our professionalism and logistical network.

Round wood
Timber products such as saw logs, veneer logs, pulpwood, firewood, are produced from forests in Latvia. Our company is focusing on pine, fir, birch, beech, oak and linden. The vast majority of these products come from centre and eastern part of Latvia.

Wood chips
As a company we understand how crucial is green energy production. Statistics show that in Latvia nearly half of state heat energy is produced from biomass. Our wood chips, cellulose chips and bark can benefit not only Latvian, but also European biomass energy plants and cogeneration stations.

Using most efficient means of transport for current assignments to deliver product from forests in Latvia to costumers, both nationally and internationally. Elements that we use in our logistics chain are trucks, containers and ships.

Working collectively by using our expertise and infrastructure to build solutions. Determined in building partnerships in a way that strengthens compliance across organization.
Advantages of our company
  • Sustainability

    Our company policy defines that collaboration between us and our clients is something more than just a partnership. Together we aim to bring additional value to this industry by creating meaningful long term and stable relationships, which are based on common values.

  • Respect

    Commitment to our costumer is defined by respect. We are professionals who understand that every task needs its own approach, decision-making and solution - that is why we always complete what we start. Our daily work schedule is guided by caring about our employees, partners and environment.

  • Strategy

    In our company we believe that every decision must be made after careful consideration which is based on facts by fully understanding situation in the market. That is most efficient way to comply with company strategy by providing longevity. We are keen on continuous growth internationally by using same values we represent.

Contact us

Having any questions regarding our services, trade, product availability and forest industry? Feel free to contact us using contact form or directly from contacts bellow.

+371 26 108 819
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